About Kirk

Working with computers since the Commodore 64. He has been working with technology support ever since his mother asked for help on the computer in the early 80's. Holding three college degrees places him far and above most in this field. Able to articulate difficult solutions so the average user can understand them, Kirk is a great fit for your technology consultant needs. Call 315-676-9096 for an appointment today.

Android Vulnerability

2015-08-07T20:00:58-04:00By |iRecoverData Tech Blog|

The newest Android vulnerability is something that affects 50% of all phones from 4.3 to version 5.1.1. This one’s a media server vulnerability. It leaves your phone in a sort of vegetative state. You would then be unable to use it at all. The trigger is the playing of an MKV video file that is malformed – […]

Windows 8 automatic repair loop

2015-08-07T20:08:39-04:00By |iRecoverData Tech Blog|

A Slow Laptop

A customer brought in their Gateway laptop yesterday. Windows 8 is installed and she said it was acting very slow. She was in a hurry to get a diagnosis so I initially said it could be a virus. After all, a virus will slow down a computer as well. Once I determined that […]

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